Thursday, June 26, 2008

Making a CQ call :

Being QRV on HF (Phone) for almost 18 months, I found some interesting CQ calls. Before making a CQ call first of all check if the frequency which you will be working is occupied by someone, if not go-ahead with your CQ call.

1) CQ CQ CQ victor uniform two sierra golf whiskey, victor uniform two sierra golf whiskey victor uniform two sierra golf whiskey calling and standing by.

2) CQ 20 CQ 20 CQ 20 victor uniform two sierra golf whiskey, victor uniform two sierra golf whiskey, victor uniform two sierra golf whiskey calling and by (this CQ call specifys the band).

3) CQ CQ CQ calling Africa victor uniform two sierra golf whiskey, victor uniform two sierra golf whiskey, victor uniform two sierra golf whiskey calling CQ and listening (this CQ call is made when a station is having a directional antenna and want to work with specific continent).

4) CQ DX CQ DX CQ DX victor uniform two sierra golf whiskey, victor uniform two sierra golf whiskey, victor uniform two sierra golf whiskey calling CQ DX and standing by.

5) CQ Delta Xray CQ Delta Xray CQ Delta Xray victor uniform two sierra golf whiskey, victor uniform two sierra golf whiskey, victor uniform two sierra golf whiskey calling and by.


  1. Great Sai

    This will helps a lot to all of our HAM friends.
    Keep updated with your on the air experiances

    VU2WSM (Satheesh)

  2. Interesting experience shared. Good write up.

  3. Hi Sai,
    Perhaps u shud have written a little more about finding out whether a frequency is in use or not. Most people dont wait long enough to wait for a response and start calling CQ.

    On CW, a "QRL?" or "QRL? de vu2sgw k" should get u a response no later than 10 secs. You can expect a response like "R" or "R pse QSY".

    On phone, "Is this frequency in use?" or " Is the frequency occupied?" should get a response like "Roger, please QSY" or similar.

    If you dont get any response and you are certain that you are in the clear, you should call CQ.

    The CQ part is fine as it only concerns HF operating.

    On 2mts you only call CQ on a simplex frequency and never on a repeater. The "CQ 2mts" is generally used for VHF DX work in modes other than FM; something not seen in India.

    Keep writing.

    73 de vu2cdp

  4. Thanks Sai for this kind of update
    will help a lot of me novices to get on air and understand the protocols and participate better


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