The Society for the Preservation of Amateur Radio is a non-partisan group of concerned amateur radio operators working together to ensure the vitality of the Amateur Radio Service by promoting technical abilities among Amateur Radio Operators.
S.P.A.R. is open to all interested amateurs, worldwide.
For more info do visit : S.P.A.R.
You can have an award for your XYL and that to online with in few seconds. Here's my XYL award its really worth watching do not miss reading the award. Click on the image to view.
S.P.A.R. is open to all interested amateurs, worldwide.
For more info do visit : S.P.A.R.
You can have an award for your XYL and that to online with in few seconds. Here's my XYL award its really worth watching do not miss reading the award. Click on the image to view.
Dad thanks for posting my moms certificate :)